* indicates shared first authorship.
Contributed Talks
G. Duran-Pacheco, J. Dedic, and P. Boileau. “Comparing R libraries with SAS’s PROC MIXED for the analysis of longitudinal continuous endpoints using MMRM”. 5th Conference of the Central European Network (Sep. 2023).
P. Boileau, N. Leng, M. J. van der Laan, and S. Dudoit. “A nonparametric framework for treatment effect modifier discovery in high dimensions”. “American Causal Inference Conference” (May 2023).
P. Boileau, N. T. Qi, M. J. van der Laan, S. Dudoit, and N. Leng. “unicate: Flexible predictive biomarker discovery”. UC Berkeley Center for Computational Biology Retreat 2022 (Nov. 2022).
P. Boileau, N. T. Qi, M. J. van der Laan, S. Dudoit, and N. Leng. “unicate: Flexible predictive biomarker discovery”. Symposium on Data Science and Statistics (Jun. 2022).
P. Boileau, N. S. Hejazi, M. J. van der Laan, and S. Dudoit. “Cross-validated covariance matrix estimator selection in high dimensions”. Statistics 2021 Canada (Jul. 2021).
P. Boileau, N. S. Hejazi, and S. Dudoit. “Sparse contrastive principal component analysis for exploring high-dimensional biological data”. Bioconductor 2020 (Jul. 2020).
Contributed Posters
D. R. Feldman, P. Gagnon-Sanschagrin, J. Maitland, P. Boileau, K. Yokoji, A. Guerin, V. Guan, and G. Joseph. “Time to real-world progression among patients with relapsed/refractory testicular germ cell tumors undergoing palliative chemotherapy in the United States”. American Society of Clinical Oncology Genitourinary Cancers Symposium (Feb. 2025).
D. R. Feldman, K. Habucky, P. Gagnon-Sanschagrin, J. Maitland, P. Boileau, K. Yokoji, A. Guerin, and G. Joseph. “Real-world evidence of overall survival and treatment patterns of patients with testicular germ cell tumors receiving palliative chemotherapy in the united states”. American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (Jun. 2024).
P. Boileau, N. Q. Ting, M. J. van der Laan, S. Dudoit, and N. Leng. “A flexible approach for predictive biomarker discovery”. Bay Area Biotech-Pharma and Statistics Workshop: Resilience and Reinvention (Nov. 2022)
A. K. Bozack, P. Boileau, A. E. Hubbard, F. C. M. Sillé, C. Ferreccio, C. M. Steinmaus, M. T. Smith, and A. Cardenas. “Evidence of epigenetic age acceleration among adults with prenatal and early life arsenic exposure in Nothern Chile”. Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (Sep. 2022).
A. Cardenas, P. Boileau, N. Ghildayal, M. Doyon, P. Perron, L. Bouchard, and M.-F. Hivert. “Cell-type specific DNA methylation signature of prenatal smoking on human placenta”. DOHaD World Congress (Aug. 2022).
J. P. Duncan, T. Tang, C. F. Elliot, P. Boileau, and B. Yu. “
: An intuitive framework for reliable simulation studies in R’. useR! 2022: The R User Conference (Jun. 2022). Boileau*, N. S. Hejazi*, I. Malenica*, P. G. Gilber, S. Dudoit, and M. J. van der Laan. “Identifying direct causal effects under unmeasured confounding”. American Causal Inference Conference (May 2022).
P. Boileau, N. Q. Ting, M. J. van der Laan, S. Dudoit, and N. Leng. “A flexible approach for predictive biomarker discovery”. American Causal Inference Conference (May 2022).
J. Cevallos, P. Boileau, J. Humstoe, L. Jones, and P. Ha. “Exploration of the transcriptome of the adenoid cystic carcinoma patient derived xenograf”. Virtual American Head and Neck Society 10th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer (Jul. 2021).
D. Scheel, A. Perkova, P. Danieles, P. Boileau, and L. Kakinami. “Does survey design information matter? Assessing the impact on population estimates of hypertension in canada”. 2018 Annual Meeting, Statistical Society of Canada (Jun. 2018).
P. Boileau, L. Popovic, T. A. Barnett, M. Henderson, and L. Kakinami. “Ego network exploration with heatmaps: A case study on pediatric obesity”. Canadian Statistics Student Conference (Jun. 2018).
P. Boileau, L. Popovic, T. A. Barnett, M. Henderson, and L. Kakinami. “L’analyse de réseaux sociaux avec cartes thermiques, une étude de cas avec l’obésité pédiatrique”. Québec society for lipid, nutrition and metabolism scientific meeting (Feb. 2018).
Industry Talks
P. Boileau. “Simulation studies as integration tests for statistical software: A case study with the
R package”. Genentech Statistics Community Forum (Apr. 2023).P. Boileau, J. Zhou, and J. Fridlyand. “Model-based, model-guided or no model at all: Pragmatic evaluation of dose-finding methods”. Genentech Statistics Community Forum (May 2022).
P. Boileau, N. Q. Ting, M. J. van der Laan, S. Dudoit, and N. Leng. “UniCATE: A flexible approach for predictive biomarker discovery”. Genentech Statistics Community Forum (May 2022).
- D. Kelkhoff, P. Boileau, and D. S. Bove. “Good software engineering practices for R packages”. McGill Initiative in Computational Medicine Workshop Series (Oct. 2023).